The Energy cluster is focused on cybersecurity applied to the electrical power and energy systems (EPES). EPES, is of key importance to the economy, as all other domains rely on the availability of electricity. Being a sector in deep transformation with digitization, the IoT and the new role of consumers, it is necessary to ensure the proper functioning and resilience of existing infrastructures that can be considered essential, taking into account the installed equipment and legacy systems and analyzing how to minimize associated risks. At the same time, the new facilities and equipment that are developed and installed must be done under cybersecurity and privacy principles from the design and throughout the entire supply chain, as well as its life cycle. In this sense, it is essential to define and follow clear standards and a certification framework that provides security to users, manufacturers and operators. Cybersecurity and its challenges are evolving at a rapid pace, which is why the European Commission has taken a series of measures to tackle it, such as the establishment of a comprehensive legislative framework that builds on:
The energy sector presents certain particularities that require particular attention:
SDN-microSENSE aims at providing and demonstrating a secure, resilient to cyber-attacks, privacy-enabled, and protected against data breaches solution for decentralised EPES. All designed, developed, and tested technologies should consider the latest related research findings and maintain high compliance with current industrial standards (e.g., IEC standards). SDN-microSENSE project intends to provide a set of secure, privacy-enabled and resilient to cyberattacks tools to ensure the normal operation of EPES as well as the integrity and the confidentiality of communications.
2. EnergyShield
EnergyShield will develop an integrated toolkit that combines the latest technologies for vulnerability assessment, monitoring and protection, as well as learning and sharing tailored to meet the needs of EPES operators. Objectives of the project will be:
3. SealedGRID
The power grid is exposed to security threats inherited from the ICT sector, while privacy issues and new vulnerabilities, related to the specific characteristics of the SG infrastructure, will emerge. The project will develop a security platform tailored to the SG, that
The platform will combine, for the very first time, technologies like Blockchain, Distributed Hash Tables, Trusted Execution Environments, and OpenID Connect.
Driven by the lack of appropriate products in the market, DEFeND will deliver a platform which empowers organisations in different sectors to assess the compliance status, plan the achievement of the GDPR compliance and increase their competences in different aspects of GDPR. DEFeND exploitation strategy is based on commercialisation of project results at three levels:
DEFeND platform enables building and analysing models following a Privacy-by-Design approach spanning over two levels, the Planning Level and the Operational Level, and across three management areas:
1. SDN-microSENSE project will contribute towards
2. EnergyShield project will:
3. SealedGrid project will contribute:
4. DEFeND projects will impact EPES organizations and individual EPES users by:
Join the Energy Project Cluster Joint Webinar Joint Recommendations Report
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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