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Catalogue of Clusters

The first European Cybersecurity and Privacy Cluster catalogue Clusters play a vital role in the Cybersecurity and privacy ecosystem.

With numbers increasing at national/regional/local levels across Europe and associated countries they are offer an excellent opportunity for new providers of CS&P services to actually reach their potential users.  
The catalogue is made up of 66 clusters from all over Europe which have a focus on Cybersecurity and Privacy, have members that are well-known in the sector and are strategically aligned with the goal of the cyberwatching.eu project.

By creating this unique catalogue, our goal is to make it easier for clusters to be found based on specific cybersecurity and privacy topics.
This is a unique chance for CS&P clusters to effectively reinforce their reputation as well as showcase their events, projects and initiatives (national and pan-European). In addition, clusters have a variety of opportunities to collaborate and create research and partnership with multiple actors in the space.

Make sure your entry is accurate:  to ensure we have the right information, we kindly ask cluster representatives to update or improve the information that we have published. If your cluster is not in the catalogue, you can also register.
You can do this here: https://www.cyberwatching.eu/submit-your-csp-cluster

Consumer Affairs at ZD.B

In the name of the Bavarian government the Center Digitisation.Bavaria (ZD.B) perfoms a bundling function for already existing activities in the areas of digitisation and develops them further in a sustainable manner.

With its business office in Garching the Center Digitisation.Bavaria acts as a coordinator for numerous actions. They especially include

Control & IT Cluster

Par excellence, the professional and business activity of Control & IT cluster, has its main focus, without being exclusive, in the field of processes guidance and control, associated services of any kind, respectively, in Technology Information and Communications, Electronics, High Tech as well as Key Enabling Technologies. Considering the smart specialisation in IT, the cluster envisages primarily the following directions: e-Energy, e-Government, eHealth, eClimate, e-Creative Industries, e-Agriculture etc.

Cool Silicon e.V

Cool Silicon, established in the framework of the "Spitzenclusterwettbewerb" (Leading-edge cluster competition) of Germany, is located within "Silicon Saxony" and deals with R&D in the field of energy-efficient ICT, covering the entire value chain of micro-/nanoelectronics from automated production equipment up to energy effcient sensor networks.

CyberForum e.V.

FROM THE NETWORK, FOR THE NETWORK ... is the maxim that inspires the CyberForum. In the center of our attention lies the exchange of experiences, knowledge, contacts and ideas. Here, exciting business ideas take off, businesspeople meet like-minded, (natural) scientists and technology freaks make contact with economically driven people, creative minds and business angels. In short, in the CyberForum “being part of it” truly means being part of a network that offers much more than just business contacts.

Dataföreningen i Norr

Skelleftea shall be a leading actor regarding digitization of society. Digitization will be the region's main growth engine based on close cooperation with business, research, government and citizens.

- Strive for increased recruitment to the industry by increasing young people's interest in ICT and helping universities to develop existing and new programs.

Different Angle Cluster


Promote and support research, innovation and education in order to develop and implement solutions and projects for smart city area.

Digital League

Digital League is the cluster of companies in the digital sector in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. With +500 members, its goal is to foster economic growth and employment in the regions.

Digital League offers all companies, whatever their size, actions in the service of 3 missions: federate, grow together and radiate.

On a daily basis, Digital League promotes the exchange of good practices between entrepreneurs, schools, laboratories, investors and institutions to create winning synergies.

DSP Valley

DSP Valley brings together the triple helix parties: companies, research institutes, the regional authorities together with other relevant stakeholders (investors, service providers, users, …) that play an important role in the entire value chain of smart solutions enabled by digital technologies.

The mission of DSP Valley is to improve the competitiveness and to accelerate the growth of the cluster by setting up activities and services that support the cluster members in:

Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications

Estonian ICT cluster is the main force to support ICT companies’ cooperation and development in Estonia. It is ICT enterprises co-operation platform, which objective is to increase the usability of ICT in other economic sectors of domestic and foreign markets. Through this, we aim to foster the development of new solutions, the creation of new products, and to improve the companies’ competitive ability in the international market.

GAIA.-Association of Knowledge and Applied Technologies industries in the Basque Country


- To promote all the aspects of development and growth related to the Electronics, IT, Telecommunications, Engineering and Consutling sectors.

- To defend the legitimate interests of member companies.

- To favour the assimilation and efficient usage of advanced technologies by the Basque Country as a region, with the aim of collaborating with the development of an Information and Knowledge Society.


Filter Clusters


On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.