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SMEs success stories: BioAssist

As a key phase in the cyberwatching.eu strategy to engage with a large pan-European community of SMEs, the Consortium collects a number of cases where SMEs have successfully used cybersecurity solutions also through cyberwatching.eu in an SME to SME situation, where an SME provider has served an SME end user.


BioAssist S.A. is an SME that provides innovative commercial services in the fields of Health and homecare, in order to enable the growing senior population to live independently and improve their wellbeing. Focusing on developing innovative technologies to ensure the senior population's life quality, extending and assisting their independent living, BioAssist delivers superior monitoring and communication services through timely response and accurate recording of vital signs and other critical information, serving the constantly changing needs of the health-centric communication services. Via its services, BioAssist enhances compliance of the elderly population to their self-care commitments, providing peace-of-mind to them and their families, while remaining minor intrusive and offering an excellent user experience. 

What results from the EU project(s) is your company using to further develop/build your own solutions/services?

The UNICORN Cloud Operations (UCO) Platform​ was used in the back-end of ‘HeartAround’ app.
BioAssist used the following features of the platform:

  • Lifecycle management (the use of the UI is very easy, while the support of volumes is extremely helpful to realize our deployments);
  • monitoring (a non-intrusive probing of the real-time application behavior and underlying cloud resources spanning across multi-cloud execution environments); 
  • Security & Intrusion detection.

    Which EU project has produced these results?

    EU PROJECT UNICORN is Horizon 2020 research and innovation project which aims to facilitate the design and deployment of cloud applications and services and improve developers’ productivity by reducing cloud application design time via code annotations and blueprints for security.

    BioAssist used the ‘HeartAround’ homecare solution to validate the UNICORN platform. ‘HeartAround’ provides innovative health monitoring and communication services which are built, deployed and operate using state-of-the-art cloud technologies; totally aligned with the UNICORN offering.

    How did you find out about these results (e.g. you participated in Open Calls, as a piloting partner, etc.)?

    BioAssist won in a competitive Open Call to test and use UCO Platform.

    What are the benefits for your company? Why did you decide to use the results from this EU project?

    UCO Platform simplified devops operations, it facilitated the integration of new features to our apps and platform and improved app scalability and monitoring.

    The operational processes of ‘HeartAround’ were improved by using the tools and functionalities provided by the H2020 project's UNICORN framework, while the effort required for the transition was relatively small. The application components are stateless and already dockerized, therefore their instantiation in UNICORN Cloud Operations Platform (UCO) was performed without major issues.

    UCO Platform simplified devops operations, it facilitated the integration of new features to our apps and platform and improved app scalability and monitoring.

    If you want to feature your SME success stories, contact info@cyberwatching.eu.


    On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

    Future Events

    The webinar will showcase new insights into research projects (CS-AWARE-NEXT, DYNABIC, AI4CYBER) dealing with cybersecurity research and innovation for the protection of critical infrastructures. The projects research on the challenges of cybersecurity and cyber resilience solutions and how the adoption of latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can aid in the effectiveness and automation of such solutions. Furthermore, challenges arise to ensure trustworthy AI is used in the solutions.
