To take full advantage of our increasingly connected and autonomous world, we need technologies to build platforms that are secure and dependable by design. We need security solutions developed not for a particular application area, but for connected, heterogeneous, time-sensitive cyber-physical systems and large-scale systems-of-systems.
The security solutions need to be scalable and adapted to an open environment where nodes, services and users vary over time. The timely and continuously available security services need to be maintained and should remain transparent to the user. Traditional dependable platforms are designed to provide dependable service, including features such as redundancy-based fault tolerance, self-monitoring, self-healing, and self-reconfiguring.
We claim that security and safety can be addressed in a uniform manner based on these features, since, if used properly, they could be suitable to discover and neutralize intruders and adversaries. In Serendipity, we will develop new technologies and a platform for safety-critical connected cyber-physical systems that leverage existing techniques for dependable systems and augment them with scalable security solutions for open and heterogeneous systems.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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