Home » Project of the week » PROJECT OF THE WEEK - HERMENEUT


18/02/2019 to 22/02/2019

HERMENEUT - Enterprises intangible Risks Management via Economic models based on simulatioN of modErn cyber-aTtacks

To foster a culture of risk management by an individual organisation or a complete sector, HERMENEUT answers:

- What is the real fallout of a data compromise and the long-run consequences on associated assets?

- What are the losses for intangible assets?

- Do other type of attacks (beyond data breach) severely impact intangible and tangible assets?

HERMENEUT assesses vulnerabilities of organisations and corresponding tangible and intangible assets at risk, taking into account the business plans of the attacker, the commoditisation level of the target organisations, the exposure of the target and including human factors as well as estimating the likelihood that a potential cyber-attack exploits identified vulnerabilities. HERMENEUT’s cyber-security cost-benefit approach combines integrated assessment of vulnerabilities and their likelihoods with an innovative macro- and micro-economic model for intangible costs, delivering a quantitative estimation of the risks for an organisation or a business sector and investment guidelines for mitigation measures. The project aims at developing modelling of cyberattacks, measuring their intangible impacts both at micro and macro levels and developing simulation approaches to cyber risks management.


Watch this video to know more about project HERMENEUT. (Video credit to the project).

To know more about the project you can visit their official website - https://www.hermeneut.eu

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Monday, 18 February, 2019 to Friday, 22 February, 2019


On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.

Future Events

NERO Cybersecurity invites you to join its first webinar entitled "Empowering SMEs: Cybersecurity Strategies for a Secure Digital Future," on 3 July 2024 from 15:00-16:30 CEST.
