Andrei Costin
Binaré offers a cloud based service with optional professional services that is easy to use and accessible to any organization. Built to scale regardless of organization size and use case, Binaré’s IoT Firmware Analysis and Monitoring platform provides full automation and integration with both DevOps and SecOps pipelines to improve IoT device security throughout its lifecycle. Providing actionable, comprehensive insights, Binaré helps lower engineering and operational costs while reducing IoT security risks including breaches, regulatory fines and brand damage. Binaré gives you the actionable information you need to support your organization’s decision making. We provide business metric-focused dashboards, detailed technical and engineering reports and regularly updated data feeds via our REST API for your continuous integrated development and security automation systems.
Key Features:
Our competitive advantages:
Fast, efficient security gap analysis
Actionable, device-specific mitigation guidance
No need to expose source code
Lifetime continuous monitoring of device
DevOps/SecOps integration
Binaré offers a range of professional services to meet your needs including:
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