Filippo Lubrano
Haruspex helps to predict, according to the desired level of confidence, how an ICT infrastructure could be attacked, before the cyber attacks occur in reality, thus providing solutions to neutralize the attackers, making it the perfect match for securing the IT/OT systems.
The prediction can be performed both before the attacks occurs or in real time, under attack, allowing an unmatched level of Cyber Resilience of IT/OT infrastructure.
How it works, operationally
The prediction provides the customer with all the relevant info concerning which vulnerabilities might be, or are being, exploited by hackers; the success probability of the attacks and how long the system will resist before fatal collapsing.
Moreover, Haruspex can compute the minimum set of countermeasures to neutralize the risk (typically, the number of remediations to deploy is a very small percentage – less than 5% - of the vulnerabilities affecting the target infrastructure);
Haruspex defines its superior offer by granting continuous, life-long cyber risk assessment and remediation, following the entire period required, and a high added-value Forensics investigation service in case of data breaches.
How it works, technically
The core of the technology relies on the adoption of a digital twin of both the critical ICT/OT infrastructure and the adversaries.
The solution heavily exploits AI and Big data techniques together with Monte Carlo methodology. This mix of technologies allows a life-long, continuous cyber risk assessment and remediation together with forensics investigations in case of breaches.
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H-Predictive Platform (PAR) merges digital twins and adversary simulation to anticipate attacks and manage risk in an ICT infrastructure, thru a life long continuous process of assessment and remediation
H-Time Machine (Forensics module) supports the discovery of successful, undetected attack against a previous version of the infrastructure, and forensics investigation in case of data breach
H-AI Real Time module (CAP), using predictive cyber attacks database generated by H-PAR, continuously monitor the infrastructure to predict, attribute and stop attacks in Real Time.
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use