The Information Notice Tool is mainly focused only on Art. 13 and Art. 14 of the GDPR which enlist the elements that must be included in an Information Notice to data subjects.
The tool will help you with a very practical check-list for the components required in an Information Notice under the GDPR.
This tool was developed as part of the Cyberwatching.eu initiative for informative and awareness purposes, under the supervision of the law firm ICT Legal Consulting. However, the information provided throughout the tool does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create or imply the existence of an attorney-client relationship.
One of the purposes of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is to protect individuals' fundamental rights and freedoms, particularly their right to protection of their personal data.
If your organisation processes personal data, the Regulation requires you to provide data subjects with certain information. This typically takes the form of a data privacy statement or privacy notice.
Every organization that maintains a website should publish their privacy notice there, under the title “Privacy Policy”, and it should be accessible via a direct link from every webpage. If a website collects any personal data online, the privacy notice or a link to it should be provided on the same page where the data collection occurs.
Cyberwatching.eu has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 740129. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions of Use