Verónica Serna Garrido

Av. Madrid nº 10, 34004 Palencia
IT Consultancy/Development

The CFI group is the largest Spanish network of data protection and cybersecurity professionals. We have the Seal of Cybersecurity for Organizations and the National Security Scheme. (Sello de Ciberseguridad para Organizaciones y el Esquema Nacional de Seguridad)

We offer two softwares. The first one is the LOPD MANAGER for professionists in data protection, and the secon one is the LSSI MANAGER, for the adaptation to electronic commerce.

We have created the Higher Cybersecurity Institute (Instituto Superior de Ciberseguridad), an online training school where we offer practical and interactive learning in LOPDPGDD, RGPD, LSSI and cybersecurity.

We also do consulting and audit for LOPDPGDD, RGPD, LSSI, ISO 27001 and National Security Scheme (Esquema Nacional de Seguridad).,

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