Verónica Serna Garrido
The CFI group is the largest Spanish network of data protection and cybersecurity professionals. We have the Seal of Cybersecurity for Organizations and the National Security Scheme. (Sello de Ciberseguridad para Organizaciones y el Esquema Nacional de Seguridad)
We offer two softwares. The first one is the LOPD MANAGER for professionists in data protection, and the secon one is the LSSI MANAGER, for the adaptation to electronic commerce.
We have created the Higher Cybersecurity Institute (Instituto Superior de Ciberseguridad), an online training school where we offer practical and interactive learning in LOPDPGDD, RGPD, LSSI and cybersecurity.
We also do consulting and audit for LOPDPGDD, RGPD, LSSI, ISO 27001 and National Security Scheme (Esquema Nacional de Seguridad).,
Are you looking for new Cybersecurity or Privacy services?
Find the right solution for your security needs!
Training on the GDPR (in Spanish)
Through this course you will learn, in a very simple and understandable language, all the requirements and new obligations established by the new General Regulation of Data Protection of Europe (GDPR), which replaces the LOPD.
Training to become a Data Protection Delegate (in Spanish)
This is the essential training to practice as a DPD.
The aim of this course is to train new professionals who will become Data Protection Delegates, either within the company itself or as a service provided to other entities. A sector in full growth.
Training on LSSICE (in Spanish)
Specialized training to learn about the new Organic Law on Personal Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantee (LOPDPGDD).
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