The goal of the OPERANDO project is to specify, implement, field-test, validate and exploit an innovative privacy enforcement platform that will enable the Privacy as a Service (PaS) business paradigm and the market for online privacy services.
The OPERANDO project will integrate and extend the state of the art to create a platform that will used by independent Privacy Service Providers (PSPs) to provide comprehensive user privacy enforcement in the form of a dedicated online service, called “Privacy Authority”. The OPERANDO platform will support flexible and viable business models, including targeting of individual market segments such as public administration, social networks and Internet of Things.
A key aspect addressed by OPERANDO is the need to simplify privacy for end users (data subjects). OPERANDO will support a simple Privacy Dashboard allowing users to specify their preferences. These will be automatically compared with Online Service Provider (OSP) privacy policies and translated into personal data access control decisions by the PSP.
OPERANDO will also address OSP requirements for simplified privacy compliance checking and auditing, to verify that they will meet user expectations or to satisfy privacy regulators. The technology will be trialled in the health care and public administration sectors.
Who is the project designed for?
The OPERANDO consortium aims to contribute to the entire ecosystem of online privacy stakeholders: Users, PSPs, Online Service Providers and Regulators. Federation of Privacy Authorities will be supported to increase value of the services and their uptake. The OPERANDO platform will be positioned for endorsement by European governments and standardization bodies. To increase transparency of the privacy services and dissemination of results, OPERANDO outcomes will be implemented in Open Source, and will be made available to the community for evolution and value-adding beyond the scope of the project.
How will your project benefit the end-user?
For end users OPERANDO provides the ability to manage all online privacy issues in an intuitive web-based dashboard. The user can set their User Privacy Policy (UPP) according to their preferences, which will be transparently enforced for each of the user’s devices. The service will be free to users and simple to enrol.
For Service Providers: consuming privacy services will grant the ability to benefit from:
For Data Regulators OPERANDO will provide access to the human- and machine-readable privacy guarantees of the Service Providers, and the ability to input privacy regulations in a similar form. This will allow an automated audit for compliance with the relative regulations. The OPERANDO project has engaged consumer rights and standardization organizations, endorsed by the EU, as members of its Advisory Board, and will act to position the OPERANDO platform for endorsement by European governments.
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