Niccolò Zazzeri
01 March 2015
28 February 2018
CloudTeams will be a cloud-based platform which will transform software development for cloud services into a much easier, faster and targeted process. We’ll engage with communities of users who will participate in the product life cycle to help software teams develop better solutions for customer problems.
Main user-oriented challenges addressed by CloudTeams are twofold. Firstly, the fragmented European market that makes adaptation of innovations difficult and expenses for market research extremely high. Secondly, the lack of tools and incentives for users to collaborate with talented software teams around Europe in order to develop better solutions.
CloudTeams will use endpoints to existing services and tools that are popular in software development, by mashing them up with common practices. It will support developers with a collaborative platform where interaction with customers will feel natural and will validate the final outcome.
CloudTeams is the intersection of three important fields: crowdsourcing platforms, collaborative software development tools and trusted cloud services delivery. This innovative combination of different tools and practices under a unique concept will be enhanced with a rewarding system to enable end-users to jump into the platform and support solutions they are interested in.
Who is the project designed for?
CloudTeams brings together software developers and prospective users, in an unprecedented collaborative platform that speeds up software development and team collaboration, by managing and linking information to extract knowledge and predict behaviour of users, to deliver better and valuable solutions. CloudTeams will develop a platform that can support the software development process through team collaboration, customer adaptation and constant testing with trusted users, in a transparent, privacy respectful way.
How will your project benefit the end-user?
By 2020, CloudTeams wants to be the prominent tool for trustful software development in Europe. The CloudTeam Mission is to put customers’ needs at the centre of software development, by providing complete software solutions and an active community of prospective users, with respect to their privacy. CloudTeams will develop a win-win situation for both developers and users. We will facilitate relationships of trust where software will alleviate pain and be beneficial to the users, while at the same time providing viable business models to the developers.
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CloudTeams is a new platform that brings together the software development community and potential end users. CloudTeams aims to create a link between the creators of technology and the people who add meaning to it, the users.
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