The CANVAS Consortium – Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity – aims to unify technology developers with legal and ethical scholar and social scientists to approach the challenge how cybersecurity can be aligned with European values and fundamental rights.
Who is the project designed for?
How is your project benefitting the end-user?
Please briefly describe the results your project achieved so far
White papers:
Canvas White Paper 1 – Cybersecurity and Ethics
This White Paper outlines how the ethical discourse on cybersecurity has developed in the scientific literature, which ethical issues gained interest, which value conflicts are discussed, and where the “blind spots” in the current ethical discourse on cybersecurity are located.
Canvas White Paper 2 – Cybersecurity and Law
This White Paper explores the legal dimensions of the European Union (EU)’s value-driven cybersecurity. It identifies main critical challenges in this area and discusses specific controversies concerning cybersecurity regulation.
Canvas White Paper 3 – Attitudes and Opinions Regarding Cybersecurity
This White Paper summarises currently available empirical data about attitudes and opinions of citizens and state actors regarding cybersecurity. The data emerges from reports of EU projects, Eurobarometer surveys, policy documents of state actors and additional scientific papers.
Canvas White Paper 4 – Technological Challenges in Cybersecurity
This White Paper summarizes the current state of discussion regarding the main technological challenges in cybersecurity and impact of those, including ways and approaches to addressing them, on key fundamental values.
2017/06/12–14: CANVAS Workshop at Brocher Foundation Geneva – Cybersecurity Challenges in Healthcare – Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects
2017/11/22: Dr. Cyber – or who actually takes care of our digital health? [event in German], ETH Zürich
What are the next steps for your project?
Recent and Upcoming Events
2018/04/24–25: Workshop “Value-sensitive Cybersecurity in Health”, Regensburg, Germany
2018/05/28–29: Workshop Workshop “Towards a value-sensitive Cybersecurity Industry”, Helsinki, Finland
2018/09/05–07: Workshop “Value-sensitive Cybersecurity in National Security”, Bern, Switzerland
2018/09/24–26: ETHICOMP 2018 – Living with Cybersecurity: A Shared Responsibility
Completing briefing packages, reference curriculum, MOOCs and further academic publications, including the book The Ethics of Cybersecurity, Markus Christen; Bert Gordjin & Michele Loi (eds.) Springer, forthcoming 2019
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