Jasmin Jabbarpour
01 September 2022
31 August 2025
The internet rules the world! Digital technologies are in every aspect of our lives, and data is more valuable than ever. In this context, the EU-funded TANGO project will explore cross-sector data sharing. Taking a citizen-centric, secure and trustworthy approach, it will create a new platform that provides transparent, secure, fair and accountable, as well as environmentally sustainable, data management. To strengthen the privacy for citizens and private/public organisations, TANGO will bring together 37 partners from 14 countries.
The project will provide a high impact solution within the transport, e-commerce, finance, public administration, tourism and industrial domains supporting numerous beneficiaries across Europe.
Through the provision of TANGO technologies, a trustworthy environment will be designed acting as a gatekeeper to information and data flows. Citizens and public/private organisations will be empowered to act and interact providing data both online and offline. TANGO will focus its activities on 3 main pillars: (i) the deployment of trustworthy, accountable and privacy-preserving data-sharing technologies and platforms; (ii) the creation of data governance models and frameworks; (iii) the improvement of data availability, quality and interoperability – both in domain-specific settings and across sectors.
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