Antonio Skarmeta
Rohit Bohara
01 October 2022
30 September 2025
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides numerous business opportunities. However, it also comes with new challenges such as compromised security, heightening the importance of IoT infrastructure security management. In line with this, the EU-funded CERTIFY project will define a methodological, technological and organisational approach towards IoT security life cycle management. The project will also design and implement a cybersecurity life cycle management framework for IoT devices that will operate by gathering and sharing information both internally and externally. Project work will pave the way for innovative privacy and security approaches in a broad spectrum of IoT environments.
CERTIFY's provides IoT stakeholders with mechanisms achieving high-level of security. CERTIFY will detect and respond to a wide spectrum of attack, in a collaborative/decentralized fashion. CERTIFY will validate the architecture through cutting-edge use-cases and pave the way towards innovative security in a broad spectrum of IoT environments.
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