Jason Xabier Mansell
Angeliki Tsanta
01 September 2022
31 August 2025
Artificial intelligence (AI) has a big role to play in cybersecurity – good and bad. It can be a powerful mechanism to detect threats and protect systems against attacks. It can also be used by attackers as a weapon. In this context, the EU-funded AI4CYBER will provide an Ecosystem Framework of next-generation trustworthy cybersecurity services that leverage AI and Big Data technologies to support system developers and operators in effectively managing AI-powered cyberattacks.
Specifically, it will develop a new breed of AI-driven software robustness and security testing services with smarter flaw identification and code-fixing automation. The project will focus on the energy and banking sectors, as well as hospital services.
The AI4CYBER framework will ensure fundamental rights and values-based AI technology in its services, through the integration of demonstrable explainability, fairness and technology robustness (security) capabilities in the AI4CYBER components. The ecosystem will be validated in three scenarios: i) Detection and Mitigation of AI-powered Attacks against the Energy Sector, ii) Robustness and autonomous adaptation of Banking applications to face AI-powered attacks and iii) Resilient hospital services against advanced and AI-powered cyber-physical attacks.
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