26th of April 2023 | 11:00 to 13:15 CEST
The healthcare sector is facing an increasing number of cyber threats, as the digitisation of healthcare and the use of connected medical devices continue to grow. These threats can come from a variety of sources, including malicious hackers, nation-state actors, and even insiders. Cybersecurity incidents in healthcare can have serious consequences, including the loss or theft of sensitive patient data, disruption of vital services, and damage to an organisation's reputation. Safeguarding CybersEcurity iN hEalthcare aims to bring together viewpoints from diverse areas to explore the commonalities of cybersecurity issues and solutions in the healthcare sector. The Joint Cybersecurity Webinar in Healthcare is supported by the EU-funded projects HEIR, AERAS, AI4HealthSec and SMART-BEAR.
11:00-11:10 | Welcome and opening of the event, presentation of event agenda.
Michalis Smyrlis
11:10-12:30 | Session 1 Project Presentations
11:10-11:30 | HEIR presentation + 5min Q&As
Herve Debar
11:30-11:50 | AI4HealthSec presentation + 5min Q&As
Spyros Papastergiou
11:50-12:10 | SMART BEAR presentation + 5min Q&As
Ioannis Basdekis
12:10-12:30 | AERAS presentation + 5min Q&As
Fulvio Fratti
12:30-12:35 | Coffee break
12:35-13:15 | Session 2 - Cyber Security Challenges in Healthcare Environments
Open discussion on challenges/topics, such as:
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