Julian Neitzert
01 June 2020
31 May 2022
In times of a global pandemic, there is an increased use of online services such as e-commerce, which goes together with an increased number of threats and attacks related to the services, as well as to the underlying processes. From the online presentation of the goods to the consumer to the product delivery, passing through online payment – every step of the process is facing threats on a cyber and/or a physical level. The H2020 project “End-to-end Security of the Digital Single Market’s E-commerce and Delivery Service Ecosystem (ENSURESEC)” aims to address those issues and improve the EU’s vision of a reliable and trusted Digital Single Market. 22 partners from 14 European countries collaborate to develop an innovative solution to ensure end-to-end security of e-commerce operations, but that can be applicable to any critical infrastructure that relies on and is monitored by networked software systems. The ENSURESEC Consortium combines state-of-the-art inductive Machine Learning methods with deductive reasoning tools and techniques to create a comprehensive open source toolkit.
To protect the European Digital Single Market against cyber and physical threats in the best possible way, ENSURESEC aims to focus not only on the development of technical solutions, but also on ways to raise the awareness for possible impacts of successful attacks.
The toolkit will analyse if an e-commerce infrastructure is secure against certain types of critical attacks. It will monitor the infrastructure to identify new vulnerabilities and threats. If an attack to the infrastructure is successful, the final ENSURESEC solution will help affected users and e-commerce providers to respond to the incident, mitigate its impact, and recover normal operation.
Besides creating technical solutions, improving awareness is an important part of the project. ENSURESEC is developing a campaign to train citizen e-commerce users as well as responsible individuals at SMEs and other e-commerce operators with a set of serious games and by visualizing the cascading effects of impacts, which would have been avoidable with better security measures and improved awareness.
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