The SOCCRATES project is conducting an elaborate series of webinars to share its vision and insights with interested audiences. The first 5 webinars were centered around the SOCCRATES platform components and took place between October 2020 and June 2021. The second series will run until June of 2022 and address results achieved at the (Mnemonic, Vattenfall and Shadowserver) pilot sites.
Participation in the SOCCRATES webinars is free of charge but subject to registration. Please follow the links below for further information and for videos and presentation material of webinars that already took place.
On 28 September, 2021 at 1530-17:00 CET, the webinar series will start with a theme entitled "Detecting DGA related threats".
To sustain their criminal activity, operators of botnets often employ so called Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs) that rotate Command and Control (C2) domains at great pace. Blocking or seizing such dynamic and random looking C2 domains is a major challenge for defenders and law enforcement. In this joint theme session, EU research projects SAPPAN and SOCCRATES will explain the nature and magnitude of the DGA problem and present some of the novel techniques that they are pursuing to combat DGAs more effectively. The session will include a demonstration of the “DGA Detective” solution that was developed by the SOCCRATES project and an overview of both academic and operational (real life) impact that the projects have achieved to date.
Session program:
1. Welcome and introduction
2. Brief introduction to SAPPAN and SOCCRATES projects
3. Understanding Domain Generation Algorithms (DGAs)
4. SAPPAN innovation in DGA detection
5. DGA detection and classification with the DGA Detective
6. Q&A
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