Ana María Morales Pérez
01 January 2021
30 June 2023
TeraFlow will create a novel cloud-native SDN controller for beyond 5G networks. This new SDN controller shall be able to integrate with current NFV and MEC frameworks as well as to provide revolutionary features for flow aggregation, management (service layer), network equipment integration (infrastructure layer), and AI/ML-based security and forensic evidence for multi-tenancy.
The project proposes an integrated solution for tackling various challenges of B5G networks to support service providers and telecommunication operators in their journey towards future networks.
One of the validation scenarios proposed by TeraFlow is related to Cybersecurity:
When an operator moves towards an automated environment, security becomes key as network operations are done by software components virtually operating without human intervention or oversight. Moreover, the pervasive softwarization of the network and infrastructure components is further increasing their attack surface. Indeed, security should undergo a similar technological evolution in order to enable the resilience of SDN controllers, the automation of security policies over the network, the use of ML to detect attacks, the utilization of DLT to assure configuration and forensic capacity, and the deployment of NFV security functions.
This use case defines several scenarios of resilience and cybersecurity related to a 5G compliant Telecom network infrastructure. Different types of attacks, as well as protection and mitigation techniques, will be covered to validate the TeraFlow OS capabilities at an operator network digital twin Laboratory. This laboratory is a controlled environment located in Spain for running experiments that allow the deployment of complex network scenarios in a controlled way under realistic traffic and events.
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