PUZZLE Validation Contracts Call of €10.000 for 10 highly ranked SMEs&MEs and 5 highly ranked Cybersecurity Vendors is Open Now!
Who is the PUZZLE call for?
Through the Validation Contracts, the PUZZLE project seeks use cases from IT-based or non IT-based SMEs&MEs and start-ups not only in the areas of Healthcare, FinTech, Manufacturing, Agrifood, E-Government, but also in manufacturing, retails, construction, farming, education, logistics to encourage their cybersecurity awareness.
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Micro Enterprises (SMEs&MEs) who deal with cybersecurity, privacy and personal data protection, can submit proposals at the PUZZLE Validation Contracts contest.
PUZZLE is looking for:
More information you can find on the following link: PUZZLE Validation Contracts Call.
Before applying, read the PUZZLE Guidelines for Applicants.
APPLY HERE until June 30th 2022!
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