The conference “The 3S Clustering Event” will be held in Fodele, Crete – Greece on 12-13th of October 2021.
The event brings together three EU-funded projects (SATIE, SAFECARE, SecureGas) in the field of critical infrastructure protection that will present the innovative results they have achieved through focused presentations and interactive sessions.
In particular, the event will be structured around common themes approached from different perspectives (namely, air transport infrastructures, healthcare infrastructures, natural gas infrastructures) and it represents a unique opportunity to get relevant insights on the use of integrated cyber-physical security solutions for critical infrastructure protection.
The conference also offers the possibility to attend specific sessions regarding best practices, innovative technological solutions, security frameworks and demonstration results. Moreover, keynote speakers from the three projects will present policies, frameworks, security studies, emerging findings as well as lessons learned.
> You can register HERE.
Due to the current pandemic situation, the 3S Event will take place in a hybrid mode (both physically and virtually). Please, indicate the type of participation that is most convenient for you, by choosing one of the two respective tickets during the registration procedure.
In case of physical presence, please remember to follow the health and safety protocols (e.g. masks, sanitizers, vaccination certification, rapid or PCR tests, etc.).
In case of virtual presence, the link to attend the event will be directly shared with you after the registration process.
> For more information visit the dedicated website.
We look forward to (e-)meeting you on the 12th and 13th of October !
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