The M-Sec and Fed4IoT projects will organize next Wednesday 29th of September 2021 at 09h00-11h00am CET (Brussels Time) its joint final project event on “Advanced technologies for hyper-connected societies”.
Sister-projects, both M-Sec and Fed4IoT aimed at research, develop and test advanced technologies combining security, IoT, cloud and bigdata, and interoperable technologies of IoT devices/platforms in the context of smart cities.
During this event, attendees will have the opportunity to listen first-hand about the projects’ main achievements and results from project partners, who will explain in detail their 3 years research and use cases implementation, as real examples of applications and success regarding the implementation of solutions that improve trust, security, and privacy in the use of IoT devices and applications, particularly in hyper-connected smart cities.
The event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory, and we would love for you to join us. It will be held online, and you can register here.
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