One of the expected results of the M-Sec Project is to define, design and implement a novel IoT marketplace where users can exchange IoT sensor data and media easily, securely and with complete anonymity through the use of virtual currencies. It allows real-time matching of supply and demand, enabling the creation of liquid markets with profitable business models of the IoT stakeholders. IoT devices and humans using mobile applications and APIs are able to exchange data and value through the M-Sec blockchain-based implementations.
The specific marketplace will be piloted through a cross-border trial (Use Case 5) between Santander (Spain) and Fujisawa (Japan) cities, thus validating the interoperability, efficiency and data protection principles that are in the core of the M-Sec project.
Take a closer look at the research conducted and the activities held in order to achieve this project result and join us on 8 July at 9am CET/Brussels Time, for the official launching of the M-Sec Project Marketplace.
Curious? Registration is free-of-charge, but mandatory, and the Webinar will be held on Zoom, through the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85096624228?pwd=VzgzazRqTGMvOGhpU0NWMXNGMnliQT09
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