Julie Arteza
01 February 2018
31 January 2020
The main goal of AF-Cyber is to investigate and analyse the problem of attributing cyber attacks. We plan to construct a logic-based framework for performing attribution of cyber attacks, based on cyber forensics evidence, social science approaches and an intelligent methodology for dynamic evidence collection. AF-Cyber will relieve part of the cyberattacks problem, by supporting forensics investigation and attribution with logical-based frameworks representation, reasoning and supporting tools. AF-Cyber is multi-disciplinary and collaborative, bridging forensics in cyber attacks, theoretical computer science (logics and formal proofs), security, software engineering, and social science.
AF-Cyber is a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship funded by European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 746667.
AF-Cyber started in February 2018 where the main beneficiary is Imperial College London. The Marie Curie Fellow for AF-Cyber is Dr Erisa Karafili.
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