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IoT- & Blockchain-enabled Security Framework for New Generation Critical Cyber-physical Systems in Finance Sector

Ivan Tesfai Ogbu

01 July 2019

31 July 2022

EC funded project

Critical-Chains is a 3-year research and innovation programme funded with the support of the European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme with a focus on IOT & Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework for Fintech Integrated New Generation Cyber-Physical Systems to support the Financial Sector. The Critical-Chains Consortium represents a strong chemistry of relevant expertise and an inclusive set of stakeholders comprising end-users (customers), CERTS, the financial sector (Banks & CCPs) and the Insurance sector.

The mission is to deliver a novel triangular accountability model and integrated framework supporting accountable, effective, accessible, fast, secure and privacy-preserving financial contracts and transactions to protect against illicit transactions, illegal money trafficking and fraud on FinTech e-operations.

This is an innovative cloud-based “X-as-a Service” solution stack including several layers:

  • Data integrity checking by involving financial institutions in the distributed Blockchain network;
  • Transaction and financial data flows analytics, modelling and mining;
  • Threat Intelligence & Predictive Modelling for Inter-Banks and Internet Banking, insurance and financial market infrastructures;
  • Multilateral Biometric-based and Role-based Authorisation & Authentication;
  • Hardware Security Module (HSM) enabled Cyber-Physical Security, embedded systems & IoT security for secure access using Security-Privacy-Contexts Semantic Modelling;
  • Secure and smart use of Blockchain based on keyless signature infrastructure and hybrid (a)symmetric cryptography utilising truly random key generation.


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