The European software ecosystem needs to avoid the risk of fragmentation exactly at a moment in which increased integration is needed. How? Let us count the ways:
But how can we integrate the results of so many disparate software R&I communities, which have traditionally worked in isolated silos? SWForum.eu has the answer: researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and regulators alike need to talk with each other, and the Living Forum will give them that opportunity.
The Forum will provide a rich programme of cross-fertilisation workshops bringing different R&I domains together to find points of convergence and integration. A Fellowship programme will ensure that highly-regarded, compelling personalities in the European software R&I landscape attract broad participation in the Forum. The Forum will also give a voice to its members in the definition of future European research roadmaps, providing timely and authoritative advice to policy makers. The goal of the Living Forum is to become a permanent, self-sustaining community driving European leadership in the ever-more critical areas of software engineering, digital infrastructures, and cybersecurity.
SWForum.eu is coordinated by TECNALIA, a research center based in the Basque Country. Other partners in the consortium include Trust-IT Srl (Italy), Conceptivity (Switzerland), the University of Oxford (UK), and the Polytechnical University of Milan (Italy).
For more information please contact info@swforum.eu.
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