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1st Workshop on Dependability and Safety Emerging Cloud and Fog Systems (DESECSYS)

17/09/2020 to 18/09/2020

Information security and privacy have already been established as some of the most crucial aspects of technology especially in a world that is migrating to digital applications by the day. This has inevitably led to the emergence of technologies that support the safety and dependability of the ever-increasing sensitive data handled by these applications. Additionally, besides these technologies which target security by their design, there are other technologies, such as machine learning, which could potentially be applied to security in innovative schemes. 

The goal of the DeSECSys workshop is to foster collaboration and discussion among cyber-security researchers and practitioners to discuss the various applications, opportunities and possible shortcomings of these technologies and their integration. Effectively we aim to produce a collection of state-of-the-art research about emerging security technologies, their applications, their shortcomings and their verification with a focus on their uncompromised, in terms of security, safety and dependability, integration. Industry experience reports and empirical studies are also welcome.