Barbara Hucke
01 June 2020
30 October 2020
The SHIELD project, one of the winners of the innovation competition "Showcase Secure Digital Identities", supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), aims at developing an open, interoperable, trustworthy and usable ecosystem for Secure Digital Identities. Within this ecosystem, beneficial value-added services will be developed, which use Secure Digital Identities to create trustworthy applications with a broad impact and relevance to everyday life.
SHIELD will make an important contribution to the regular and widespread use of Secure Digital Identities in Germany and will sustainably push the trustworthy digitisation of business and administration.
A particular focus of the activities in this SHIELD project is the use of the various services of the eIDAS-Ecosystem within the application domains Work, Realty, Education, Social, eGovernment, eCommerce, Research, Health, Mobility, Justice, Finance, Environment, Industry and Logistics – which are also addressed in the international #eIDAS4all campaign.
Within the SHIELD project, top-class, internationally experienced, interdisciplinary business, administration, and science experts have joined forces to establish the envisaged long-term sustainable ecosystem for Secure Digital Identities. Under the consortium leadership of the non-profit go.eIDAS-Association experts of Dataport AöR, DATEV eG, ecsec GmbH, the Fraunhofer Institutes for Industrial Engineering (IAO) and for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS), the Ministry of Finance of Saxony-Anhalt and numerous other excellent associated partners participate at the SHIELD project. Furthermore, the SHIELD consortium invites all interested organisations and individuals using eIDAS services in their applications and/or like to actively participate at developing an open ecosystem for Secure Digital Identities.
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