TRINITY identifies Cybersecurity and Agile Manufacturing challenges which will be addressed in the future Horizon Europe programme, through the Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas. The Cybersecurity improvements of the Robotics and Agile manufacturing for SMEs supports the Digital Europe Programme investments into Cybersecurity, and supports the SME strategy launched by the EC for a digital Europe.
The TRINITY DIH network will actively support the creation of European Digital Innovation Hubs, thus supporting SMEs in the Member States to their digital transformation process.
"TRINITY allows us to focus on the Cybersecurity and privacy challenges of Robotics and agile manufacturing, provide recommendations on its implementation improvements and towards manufacturers and future research. The TRINITY demonstrators and Open Call results clearly indicate the willingness from researchers and technology companies to address Cybersecurity, but identify the lack of existing solutions that cover the whole breadth and depth of requirements from risk assessment to security monitoring and from secure development to controls. We’ve gathered the results of the existing research into the TRINITY Cybersecurity for Robotics conferences (CSfR), presented a preliminary gap analysis of the research for cybersecurity, showcased results of European robotics researchers that identified vulnerabilities in wide-spread industrial robots and proposed a series of technologies and solutions to mitigate the challenges. With these activities, we aim to inspire manufacturing companies to raise their Cybersecurity maturity for industrial robots and further invest in agile manufacturing,” according to Ulrich Seldeslachts, from LSEC, Cybersecurity partner of the TRINITY project.
The main objective of TRINITY is to create a network of multidisciplinary and synergistic local digital innovation hubs (DIHs) throughout Europe that cover a wide range of topics that can contribute to agile production, including Cybersecurity. Particular attention is drawn to the state of Cybersecurity in Robotics in context of and applied to the demonstrators in the areas of robotics most promising to advance agile production, and beyond. The demonstrators serve as inspiration for the TRINITY Open Call programs. In the first Call 19 consortiums with innovative agile production needs are supported by TRINITY DIHs to advance their manufacturing processes. Additional Cybersecurity Innovations are welcomed in the second Open Call during 2021.
By means of the TRINITY demonstration program, all European SMEs contributing to improve the agility of manufacturing can apply for technical-, business- and financial support by TRINITY DIH-network. TRINITY provides insights in challenges and remediation on Cybersecurity for industrial Robots, and how to apply them for agile manufacturing, as well as practical advice and best practices from innovative technologies implementations. Companies with great ideas to use such technologies to improve agile and cybersecure manufacturing activities can receive mentoring and financial support. We target European SME’s to inspire large enterprises.
Click here to learn more about the TRINITY project.
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