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R&I Project Hub


ABC4Trust's objective is (1) to define a common, unified architecture for ABC systems to allow comparing their respective features and combining them on common platforms, and (2) to deliver open reference implementations of selected ABC systems and deploy them in actual production pilots allowing provably accredited members of restricted communities to provide anonymous feedback on their community or its member.


The goal of AARC2 is to design an AAI framework to develop interoperable AAI, to enable researchers to access the whole research and infrastructure service portfolio with one login.


3S-CS is a project Co-funded by the Center for Industrial Technological Development, Junta de Andalucía and European Regional Development Funds under INNTERCONECTA program. It focuses on an experimental development of an IEC 61850 integral control system for substations based on five pillars: Standardization, Security, Synchronization, Wireless Communications and IoT.


ARIES main goal is to deliver a comprehensive framework for reliable e-identity ecosystem comprising new technologies, processes and security features that ensure highest levels of quality in eID based on trustworthy security documents and biometrics for highly secure and privacy-respecting physical and virtual identity management, with the specific aim to tangibly achieve a reduction in levels of identity theft, fraud and associated crimes.
