Valeria Andreolli
01 September 2014
31 December 2016
The main initiative towards the development of a Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) capability at European level is represented by the SST Support Framework decision adopted by the Council and the European Parliament on the 16 of April 2014.
The PASS (Preparation for the establishment of a European SST Service provision function) support action will aim at ensuring the transition of the EU SatCen SSA activities towards the Centre’s contribution to the setup of a SST service provision function within the SST Support Framework initiative by identifying necessary functional elements and interfaces with relevant SST actors, with particular emphasis on security aspects.
PASS will strive to propose mature definitions of such interfaces, benefiting from the fruitful collaboration already established with the main actors involved. It will provide a technical contribution to this objective and to the future establishment of the SST capability by developing a representative SST service provision function pilot. Moreover, PASS will also contribute in exploring the different contexts and scenarios for the cooperation of the EU SatCen within the SST Support Framework
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