Valeria Andreolli
01 January 2019
31 December 2023
FeatureCloud is a transformative, pan-European research collaboration and AI-development project which implements a software toolkit for substantially reducing cyber risks to healthcare infrastructure by employing the worldwide first “privacy by design” approach.
The final product of FeatureCloud will be characterized by three key strengths:
The FeatureCloud research consortium will rise to this challenge by developing the worldwide first “privacy by design” solution. We are about to create an AI platform – the “FeatureCloud” – based on a ground-breaking, novel cloud infrastructure that does not require transfer of any sensitive raw data to a centralized cloud. Instead, it only exchanges the learned representations which are totally anonymous by default. Local federated machine learning at each hospital, blockchain technology, and application of strict privacy ethics will ensure that patients maintain full and immutable control over where and which of their data can be accessed.
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