Sofia Tsekeridou
Aayushi Gupta
01 September 2019
31 August 2022
Provide a cyber-shield armour to European EPES to survive coordinated, large scale cybersecurity and privacy incidents; guarantee the continuity of operations and minimize cascading effects in the infrastructure itself, the environment and the end-users at reasonable cost.
PHOENIX focuses on the protection of the European EPES via: (i) Cybersecurity & Data Privacy by design and by innovation, (ii) cross-country Cybersecurity Information Sharing, realising NIS Directive (iii) realistic exploitation, penetration testing and verification/certification methodologies and procedures and (iv) validation in 5 real-life Large Scale Pilots (LSP) across Europe.
A holistic EPES security & privacy protection framework, including: (i) 5G/ inter-DLT secure & traceable communications, (ii) Situation Awareness, Perception & Comprehension based on privacy-preserving federated ML/zero knowledge verification, (iii) traceable/near real-time synchronized incidents information sharing platform (I2SP), (iv) GDPR Privacy Protection Toolkit, (v) innovative Security & Privacy as a service business model (vi) Certification methodology and procedures (targeting TRL 7-8)
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