OSNs give to users the opportunity to develop relationships among themselves and exchange information related to their professional or private life. The protection of the sensitive information, in a transparent to the user way, is of utmost importance. While non-visual content can be protected using the existing encryption methods, in the case of visual content transparent protection is not obvious. ENCASE aims to develop a web-browser add-on where only the authorized users can see specific content (visual and/or non-visual) without noticing that it is encrypted, while unauthorized users won’t be able to see it in case they legally gain access.
This deliverable, D6.2 - “Development of content protection techniques that use steganography encryption and watermarking” covers the work conducted in the framework of Task T6.2 -“Steganography and digital watermarking” and Task T6.3 - “Group encryption and attribute-basedencryption”. The aforementioned two tasks are dedicated to the protection of sensitive content using steganography, watermarking and encryption techniques to sensitive content. The objectives that covered through these tasks are as follow:
a) The development of steganography-related techniques that enable users to specify groups of people that can view certain sensitive content;
b) The development of digital watermarking techniques on sensitive content so that in the event of unauthorized leakage, the culpable parties can be identified and sanctioned; and
c) The development of cryptographic techniques that allows users to specify groups of people that can view certain sensitive content using homomorphic, group and attribute- based encryption.
This document describes in detail, and demonstrates the implemented techniques for the protection of sensitive content, which allow users to specify the groups of people that can view certain sensitive content.
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