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Deliverable D2.1 “System Requirements and Software Architecture”

The overall aim of ENCASE is to leverage the latest advances in usable security and privacy for minors (age 10-18) in order to design and implement a browser-based user-centric architecture for the protection of minors from malicious actors in online social networks. This architecture will consist of three distinct browser-add-ons.

This deliverable, D2.1 “System Requirements and Software architecture”, is an initial specification of the system’s requirements and the software architecture that combines the three browser add-ons that will be implemented. The requirements’ extraction process that we followed is also described in this deliverable. The content of this deliverable may change during the implementation. A second version of D2.1 will be delivered in Month 12 where more detailed system requirements and software architecture will be specified.

The requirements extraction is a two-phase process: The first step involves eliciting requirements via an analysis of complementary use cases in order to demonstrate the core functionalities of the ENCASE toolset. Each use case consists of scenarios outlining different aspects of the envisaged system. Then, the scenarios of each use case evolve into user stories that are considered as the functional requirements of the system. Additionally, the various components of the ENCASE software architecture are outlined in this document.

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