SOFIE Food supply chain demonstrates a provenance chain Business Platform (BP) to ensure wide visibility of supply chain information, traceability of assets, and secure data exchange among heterogeneous, federated IoT environments, without forcing additional changes to their infrastructures, equipment and security policies. This project SOFIE business vertical leverages a hierarchical topology of cooperating DLTs to improve transparency and traceability of assets and build a robust and secure data management framework that verifies integrity of exchanged data and ensures identity and authenticity control of involved entities.
Benefits for targeted end-users and stakeholders
For suppliers:
secure information sharing without the need of a centralized authority to supervise and control data exchange,
easy to use and non-disruptive solution to federate local IoT business environments,
verify goods ownership and authenticity, as well as on-time and in-full transactions and deliveries,
cut out mediation expenses, reduce transaction costs and improve quality management of products distribution,
For retailers:
increase visibility in goods transfer from the field to the market shelf,
improve efficiency in audits and disputes resolution when quality conditions are not met,
enable immediate identification and recall of potential contaminated goods in cases where product quality and/or safety events are detected,
For food consumers:
increase consumers’ visibility about goods production, transportation and processing practices over the whole food supply chain.
Learn more abou the Food Supply Chain business vertical HERE.
Learn more about project SOFIE HERE.
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