After the successful submission of the D5.1, the seconded researchers continue their research activities on the SealedGRID project. Being more specific, the intensively work to design and implement a trusted computing component that provides assurance of the correct operation of SealedGRID enabled devices. This component will be based on digital certificates and will follow the key management procedures defined in D3.1. This component will comprise: i) a root-of-trust in order to verify and validate any component irrespective of the device’s software or hardware and will be able to perform the hardware test (i.e., to verify that there are no changes to the hardware of the device), ii) a remote attestation mechanism in which the device can generate a proof that its current state is trustworthy, and iii) a secure application execution mechanism in order to provide a complete assurance that the application was not altered before and during execution. This is part of the D4.1 that will be submitted on the next . This work is lead by UPRC.
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