Seconded researchers, Aristeidis Farao, Vaios Bolgouras and Vasileios Tsolkas, from NEUROSOFT finished their secondments. They were seconded researchers at the University of Malaga (UMA) for 12 months. During their secondment, they participated in the following work packages: WP3 “Key Management and Authentication”, WP4 “Trusted Computing and Privacy Protection”, WP5 “Authorization and Security Interoperability” and WP7 “Dissemination, Standardisation, and Exploitation”. Their contribution is not limited on the submitted deliverables D3.1, D7.2 and D5.2 . They effectively assisted in the initial design of the trusted computing which is part of the upcoming deliverable D4.1 (Apr-2020); they have also aid at implementing the integration of key management and blockchain which will be presented on the deliverable D3.1 (June-2020) as well as on the final version of the authorization component (Dec-2020).
Furthermore, during their secondment they achieved remarkably scientific works. They published scientific work in well known journal ( IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics) and conferences( ICS-CSR 2019 and CRITIS 2019). You can f ind these works below:
The SealedGRID consortium aims at increasing the secondments during the following months. The consortium will engage more secondees in the upcoming months.
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