The SealedGRID researchers submitted technical documents which present the SealedGRID progress in top journals and widely known conferences.
a) Vaios Bolgouras, Christoforos Ntantogian, Emmanouil Panaousis, Christos Xenakis, ” Distributed Key Management in Microgrids.” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019 (accepted).
b) Aristeidis Farao, Juan Enrique Rubio, Cristina Alcaraz, Christoforos Ntantogian, Christos Xenakis and Javier Lopez, “SealedGRID: A Secure Interconnection Technologies for Smart Grid Applications ” In Proc. 14th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, CRITIS 2019, Linköping, Sweden, Sept. 2019.
c) George Suciu, Cristiana-Ioana Istrate, Alexandru Vulpe, Mari-Anais Sachian, Marius Vochin, Aristeidis Farao, Christos Xenakis, “Attribute-based Access Control for Secure and Resilient Smart Grids, ” In Proc. Industrial Control System- Cyber Security Research (ICS-CSR) 2019, Athens, Greece, Sept. 2019.
d) Aristeidis Farao, Christoforos Ntantogian, Cristiana Istrate, George Suciu, Christos Xenakis, ” SealedGRID: Scalable, trustEd, and interoperAble pLatform for sEcureD smartGRID, ” In Proc. Industrial Control System- Cyber Security Research (ICS-CSR) 2019, Athens, Greece, Sept. 2019.
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