We are pleased to announce that SealedGRID will participate in a webinar entitled “EPES and Smart GRIDS: Practical Tools and Methods to Fight Against Cyber and Privacy Attacks” which is organized by Cybersecurity4europe.eu. The webinar will be held Online on 12 November 2020 at 11:00 CET and is organized under the coordinated effort of EnergySHIELD, SDN-Microsense, and DEFeND projects.
Professor Christos Xenakis from the Department of Digital Systems of Piraeus University, as Project Coordinator will have the opportunity to participate and present the SealedGRID Project.
The event will focus on the main actions that are required to preserve cybersecurity and how can be prepared in real-time requirements, be prepared for possible vulnerabilities and cybersecurity threats in the energy sector.
The European Commission adopted in April 2019 a sector-specific guidance that identifies the main actions required to preserve cybersecurity and be prepared for possible cyberattacks in the energy sector, taking into account the characteristics of the sector such as the real-time requirements, the risk of cascading effects, and the combination of legacy systems with new technologies.
You can join free the webinar by making registration here
11:00 – 11:05 – Cyberwatching.eu Introduction and welcome note – Nicholas Ferguson, Cyberwatching Project Coordinator & Trust-IT Services
11:05 – 11:25 – The DEFeND project to help GDPR compliance in the Energy Sector – Jean-Baptiste Bernard, GRIDPOCKET, Annarita Iodice & Andrea Praitano, MATICMIND, DEFeND
11:25 – 11:45 – From Honeypot-oriented Risk Analysis to Islanding Solutions in Energy Systems – Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, University of Western Macedonia, SDN-Microsense
11:45 – 11:50 – Q&ASession
11:50 – 12:10 – Distributed Key Management for MicroGrids – Prof. Christos Xenakis – School of Information and Communication Technologies, University of Piraeus, SealedGRID
12:10 – 12:30 – Assessing, Enhancing and Cultivating a Cyber-Security Culture in the EPES Sector – Anna Georgiadou – DSS Lab, NTUA, EnergySHIELD
12:30 – 12:35 – Q&A Roundtable
12:35 – 12:40 – Closing remarks
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