MIKELANGELO consists of a set of technologies and approaches, all aiming to improve IO performance or to help with integration of MIKELANGELO components into larger systems.
With MIKELANGELO we can use unikernel instead of traditional guest operating system in virtualisation. This improves the efficiency, as unikernel is typically very small (50 megabytes), can be loaded in under a second and executes the workload as efficiently as standard guest (eg. Linux). On the host level, using approaches as IOcm and ZeCoRX (KVM modules), we can control the IO performance of the overall virtualised infrastructure on that specific host.
We can even improve the guest-host communication or guest-guest communication under the same host, using the virtualised RDMA approach (if hardware support is available). It is important to note that OSv unikernel offers POSIX compatibility, however when such compatibility is not required, we can use novel programming approach called Seastar. Using such approach, we can obtain very high performance improvements, however we need to rewrite the application from scratch. Other approaches in MIKELANGELO are Scotty, for scientific experiments deployment and control, snap for highly efficient logging and telemetry, SCAM for strengthened host security, vTorque for deployment of virtual machines under Torque system, etc.
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