Oscar Zanutto and Anne Gallon -- 27/01/2021
Despite pandemic-related difficulties, the H2020 ENACT Pilot testing phase for the eHealth use case has been safely launched today in Borgo Mazzini Smart Cohousing - ISRAA in Treviso. Innovation in eHealth is in operations!
The pilot has been prepared thanks to an effective collaboration between TellU (Norway), which provides connected health equipment and services, and ISRAA as an Italian public elderly care provider based in Treviso.
Thanks to the ENACT innovation, it will be possible to install, update and modify sensors and devices remotely without compromising their cybersecurity.
The experimentation, which starts inside a housing of the complex Borgo Mazzini Smart cohousing - ISRAA Treviso, will evaluate the efficiency of this system on health-related devices. Thank you to the people of the complex Borgo Mazzini for their welcome and their participation in this exciting pilot!
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