Cyberwatching is featuring e-SIDES project as this week's "Project of the Week" 25-29 November 2019.
e-SIDES is an EU-funded Coordination and Support Action (CSA) that will complement the Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs) of the ICT-18 call on privacy-preserving big data technologies by exploring the societal and ethical implications of big data technologies and providing a broad basis and wider context to validate privacy-preserving technologies.
The principal scope of e-SIDES is to:
1 - Involve the complete value chain of big data stakeholders to reach a common vision for an ethically sound approach to big data processing.
2 - Improve the dialogue between data subjects and big data communities (industry, research, policy makers, regulators) and, thereby, to improve the confidence of citizens towards big data technologies and data markets.
The Six (6) main objectives:
Read more details on e-SIDES dedicated page: https://cyberwatching.eu/projects/1044/e-sides
Stay tuned as we will bring you more details about e-SIDES and latest contributions and project results.
You can visit their official website and social media accounts:
Contact: Project coordinator Richard Stevens info@e-sides.eu
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