e-SIDES has recently held its Final Community Event "Beyond Privacy: Learning Data Ethics - European Big Data Community Forum" in Brussels on November 14th, 2019.
The event, supported by the Big Data Value PPP, was co-organised together with four EU-funded research projects focused on privacy protection technologies, transparency and legal compliance: MyHealthMyData, SODA, SPECIAL, WeNet, and has been the culmination of 3 years of work dealing with the social and legal challenges of Big Data and promoting RRI for a human-centered Big Data.
By bringing together the community active in Big Data research, policy and industry, the occasion was particularly relevant in order to drive forward the discussion on how best to deal with ethical challenges in Big Data, also in view of the rise of AI, by making attendees aware of all the most recent discussions and practical guidelines about ethical principles.
All the presentations, including links to paper and guidelines presented during the day, are available at: https://e-sides.eu/resources
If you would like to contact any presenter with questions, please write us at the following email address: info@e-sides.eu
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