DEFeND is an EU H2020 project, one of the EU GDPR cluster project that aims to deliver an innovative data privacy governance platform, which will facilitate scoping and processing of data and data breach management and will support organisations towards GDPR compliance.
The DEFeND platform provides the basis for a new type of GDPR management solution, which is based on a data privacy-centric approach that considers GDPR principles at multiple levels and provides tools and methods not only for evaluating readiness but also for supporting compliance. This project offers different solutions which are generally one-level products and mainly provide general readiness evaluation. As a result, the DEFeND platform supports an organization to consider GDPR compliance in terms of technology, knowledge, experience, and processes providing an important advantage over existing solutions.
DEFeND offers a set of tools and methods in the form of a platform that supports organisations to analyse their existing privacy management strategies, to develop new services and systems using a privacy-by-design paradigm and to implement privacy and security measures that monitor, enforce and report privacy-related issues, such as consent and data breaches As such, it provides organisations with the capability to better protect European citizens’ personal data.
The DEFeND platform can influence investments for the Cluster “Inclusive and Secure Societies” in the “Cybersecurity” area of the future Horizon Europe since our goal is to develop a complete privacy solution that is proved in the operational environment of 4 different sectors: banking, energy, healthcare, public administration. As such the platform could become a good practice also for other sectors (e.g. telecommunications, social media) that need to be supported by solutions like DEFeND.
Twelve partners from six European countries gathered to form its consortium. GDPR experts, representatives of European SMEs, large enterprises, innovation and research institutions, an SME and a standardization body ensure complete coverage of the topics relevant to the project. An information event will be held about Data Privacy governance and GDPR Compliance hosted by Centre for Secure, Intelligent and Usable Systems (CSIUS), as part of the EU Horizon2020 funded project DEFeND (Data GovErnance For SupportiNg GDPR). Let’s keep an eye on this event as this will be a great opportunity to learn about Data Privacy governance and GDPR Compliance from the leading researchers and industrialists.
More information about the DEFeND Project is available on their website: https://www.defendproject.eu and social media channels:
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