Julie Arteza
01 October 2014
10 October 2017
DECAMP stands for Open Distributed European Virtual CAMPus and has been set up for the purpose of delivering specialist courses focused on ICT Security. DECAMP is a unique and unprecedented international strategic partnership between six EU IT faculties of well-known universities in Finland, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain and the UK. This project integrates local expertise about several fields of security, allowing to the bachelor and master students to create their own curricula about cybersecurity. Since 2014 to 2016 DECAMP was partially funded by the ERASMUS+ grant no. 2014-1-DE01-KA203-000695 of the European Union. 2018 is the third edition of these courses.
Who is the project designed for?
DECAMP is originally directed to students of Computer Sciences and Telecommunication Engineering. Increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks pose a growing threat to organizational networks and ultimately to the economy as well as to national and international security. ICT security has now reached dimensions, which necessitate joint international efforts, supported by combined know-how and expertise. DECAMP is specially designed to address these needs. It meets the challenges of the growing demand for skilled network security professionals. Therefore, any market that makes use of ICT will receive these professionals with advanced capabilities for the protection of systems and services, reducing the need to invest in training programs prior to their incorporation into companies.
How will your project benefit the end-user?
As an open platform, DECAMP features innovative network blended learning online courses, which equips to the students additional key competences in ICT security, obtained from Finnish, German, Italian, Romanian, Spanish and English ICT experts on differentiated fields, covering six main axis of cybersecurity: network management, wireless network, web based applications, e-health, cloud computing and forensics. The final end-users of this project are the students themselves, who see how they can increase their cybersecurity skills through multidisciplinary courses not originally included in their studies. However, the repercussions of obtaining graduates with special skills in cybersecurity directly affects companies in the ICT sector, and by extension, the security of all users of networks, applications and telecommunication services
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