Ruben Radwan Tognetti
29 June 2017
29 June 2017
Public Administration (PA) authorities are working towards upgrading the level of their online services through new governance models such as the Open Government. This pushes for greater transparency, accountability and innovation aiming at increasing citizen levels of confidence and trust in PA online services. In this context, user data privacy is an important issue. VisiOn will deliver a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Visual Privacy Management Platform (VPP), which empowers any citizen to achieve desired levels of privacy by creating and monitoring a personal Privacy Level Agreement. The platform will provide clear visualisation of privacy preferences, relevant threats and trust issues along with an insight into the economic value of user data. The platform will equip PAs with the right tools to improve the transparency and accountability of their operations, by supporting visual analysis of:
Who is the project designed for?
The platform will be provided to local and central Public Administrations and will allow citizens of the Union to directly manage and monitor their privacy through a personal agreement with the PA.
The platform will allow the user to clearly and intuitively express his privacy preferences and settings, to get to know of potential threats and other trust-related aspects, and finally to be aware of the monetary value of his personal data. From the organizations’ point of view, the platform will provide an overview of citizens’ expectations and of the privacy levels to comply with.
Thanks to the VisiOn platform, PAs will have tools and indicators to improve the transparency of their operations and to improve their accountability to the citizen.
How will your project benefit the end-user?
From a citizen’s perspective, the VPP will provide the following services:
From a Public Administration’s (PA’s) perspective, the VPP will provide the following services:
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The VisiOn Platform (VPP) will provide services for citizens and Public Administration (PA).
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