The European Digital SME Alliance, formerly known as PIN-SME the “the voice of ICT SMEs in Europe”, is the first European association of the ICT sector exclusively focused on representing the interests of SMEs. The members of the European Digital SME Alliance (“DIGITAL SME”) are national sectorial SME associations from different EU countries. DIGITAL SME represents about 20.000 enterprises across Europe. DIGITAL SME is a registered interest representative (ID: 66552321207-56) in the EU.
Since 2013, DIGITAL SME is involved in the European Commission initiative Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs as part of the secretariat of the Coalition.
DIGITAL SME is mandated by its members to represent the interests of ICT SME employers in Europe.
Since 2010 DIGITAL SME has undertaken a joint efforts together with UNI Europa ICT, the EU trade union federation for the ICT sector, in order to establish a European Social Dialogue for the IT sector.
DIGITAL SME is a member of UEAPME, the European association of SMEs representing over 12 Million SMEs across Europe and is the sectorial leading member for ICT related policies.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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