SPECS Framework is an open source solution devoted to create a reusable Platform-as-a-Service that offer Services granted by Security Service Level Agreements, Both framework and architecture can be integrated "as-a-Service" into real life Cloud environments, with a emphasis on small/medium/federated CSP and end users for service developers. This allows them to integrate SPECS’ SLA-oriented security mechanisms into existing cloud services.
SPECS-enabled services can negotiate security levelsgranted to their customers, and the platform support both customers and SPECS administrators to monitor Security SLAs and automatically enforce security mechanisms to respected agreed Security SLAs.
(Note: SPECS is part of TRUSTEE (daTa pRivacy and cloUd SecuriTy clustEr Europe), a network of 11 research projects funded by the European Union which are all performing cutting-edge research and innovation in different domains of cloud security and privacy, ranging from secure and privacy-friendly authentication over encrypted and distributed solutions for data sharing and cloud storage to data integrity, authenticity, and availability.)
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