Cyber security and privacy are major challenges for cooperative transport infrastructures and autonomous networked vehicles using them. The vehicles need detailed data about the environment in order to create a comprehensive picture of the situation in real time and to move around it safely. The integrity of this data is an essential prerequisite for autonomous networked driving. Cyber security is not only necessary for efficient traffic management, cooperative functions and coordinated autonomy, successful attacks can also endanger human lives directly. Austria is the technology leader for cooperative transport infrastructures and autonomous networked driving based on them. Cyber security is essential to make these technologies safe for society. CySiVus (cyber security for transport infrastructure and road operators) selects cybersecurity of road and transport infrastructure as a specific starting point for situation analysis. The existing and future structure of the critical infrastructure system road including the digital infrastructure is collected and autonomous driving scenarios are collected. A threat catalog for vehicle and communication systems forms the basis for a broad risk analysis in order to develop threat scenarios from practice-oriented applications and to formulate addressed cybersecurity measures. A cyber-secure reference architecture to classify existing and soon to be developed technology innovations provides a structural framework for future developments. The reference architecture is subjected to a comprehensive compliance analysis in the legal and social context and the impact on the stakeholders is recorded. At the end of the project, selected results will culminate in a demonstrative laboratory prototype with real hardware, which will also help raise awareness of the issue of cyber security in cooperative transport infrastructures.
On the event of the adoption of the draft regulation laying down measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union, the AI4HealthSec project kicked off a process to provide its opinion.
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